Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Quick Trip to Coke

Monday night, I flew down to Atlanta and gave a presentation at the Coca-Cola headquarters. This was cool for me as a life-long drinker of Coke. In the waiting room after we checked in with security, there was a self service bar with fountain Coke, plus a bucket of ice with the little 8oz bottles. I helped myself out to some fountain Coke Zero, although looking back, I should have gone with regular old Coke, since it's my favorite. I haven't been drinking regular Coke though, because Elizabeth worries that it'll give me Diabetes. Since I drink about 3 cans of soda a day, I guess I'll heed her warning. Every once in a while, I do treat myself to a real coke, usually when I'm in Europe, since they still use real sugar instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Flew back Tuesday afternoon. Long way to go for a 20 minute talk, but that's what we do.

Here's the headquarters, picture from Wikipedia, not me.

1 comment:

Juliette Blue said...

Excellent work. Our friend, Mike, opened a pizza parlor in Old Town. He worked out a deal with Coke to sell the bottles with real sugar, from Mexico, to sell. We told him you'd be proud. This was weeks ago, too! I must have been reading your mind. Yum, sugar............