Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tivoli and Beer

After visiting Sweden, we met Gitte and Siri at Tivoli. Tivoli is one of the world's oldest amusement parks. This ride kicked ass. It shot you to the top of a tower, then let you free fall! That's Tore on the left, Siri next to him, and me. I don't know who that other guy is, but he liked it too.

Here's the group just before dinner at Tivoli. I'm striking the Japanese/Korean/Chinese girl peace sign for picture taking.

The next day, it was time to tour the Carlsberg brewery. Here's an old beer delivery wagon that was used for Tuborg. Carlsberg purchased Tuborg a few years ago. They don't make beer at this factory (except for some specialty brews), that's all taken care of in the western part of Denmark, Jutland.

Here's Elizabeth petting the Jutland draft horses. They look like miniature Clydsdales that Budweiser has. Their stable is almost as nice as the ones at St. Louis, but no marble floors. Granite cobblestones are nice enough for the Danish draft horses.
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