Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Quick Trip to Coke

Monday night, I flew down to Atlanta and gave a presentation at the Coca-Cola headquarters. This was cool for me as a life-long drinker of Coke. In the waiting room after we checked in with security, there was a self service bar with fountain Coke, plus a bucket of ice with the little 8oz bottles. I helped myself out to some fountain Coke Zero, although looking back, I should have gone with regular old Coke, since it's my favorite. I haven't been drinking regular Coke though, because Elizabeth worries that it'll give me Diabetes. Since I drink about 3 cans of soda a day, I guess I'll heed her warning. Every once in a while, I do treat myself to a real coke, usually when I'm in Europe, since they still use real sugar instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Flew back Tuesday afternoon. Long way to go for a 20 minute talk, but that's what we do.

Here's the headquarters, picture from Wikipedia, not me.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Deep in the heart of Texas

I traveled to Austin last week to work with our software programmers there. Not much exciting in the area where our factory is, it's north of the city in the land of I-35, with tons of strip malls, hotels, and strip clubs. They seem to have a lot of need for strip clubs, for some reason down there.

I went to a nice wine bar with my friend Jamie from work to watch the Presidential debate. The place was so nice, we went back the next night too. The wine bar is called Uncorked, check it out here.

Here's the Austing skyline just after sunset from the deck of the wine bar. I forgot my camera, so it's this crappy phone camera this time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

More Colorado Fall Colors

Here's a link to some pictures from the disposable Kodak camera.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rocky Mountain High, John Denver wasn't full of Shit!

I'm in Denver this week for work. Today, I finished up my work at the FDA (working on Melamine in infant formula, dang Chinese trying to make more money with no regard to human safety).

I headed west on I-70 and got off on in Idaho Springs and took the road up towards Mt. Evans, on CO-103. The fall colors on the Aspens were amazing! These are some pictures from my camera phone, crappy quality. I forgot to bring my digital camera this time. I also bought a disposable camera, and will post some of those pictures later. I even took the rental 4x4 for a little bit of off-roading on a forest service road. I got up to around 10,500 feet. I was listening to the Cubs lose the first game of the playoffs. Dang it.

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