Thursday, August 14, 2008

Odense, Denmark

This week, I've been working in Odense, Denmark. Odense is the birth place of the world's authority on mermaids, H.C. Andersen. This is a picture of the downtown walking street, or "strasse" as they call it in Europe. Lots of Danish flags, they love flying thier flag almost as much as Americans do. I like it.

This week I'm working with the University of Southern Denmark. They are going to be using the Mass Spectrometer to analyze pefluronated compounds in the plasma of people who live in the Faroe Islands. What are PFCs, you ask? They are compounds like Teflon, the stuff that makes your pan non stick and your coat waterproof with GoreTex. Where do people from the Faroe islands get it? From eating pilot whales. Interesting. Don't judge, they've been doing it for about 600 years now. Plus pilot whales aren't really all that rare. Not that I want to try any.

1 comment:

Juliette Blue said...

Nice blog, bro! Where to next? I can't wait for the next installment.