Monday, May 25, 2009

Trip to Iceland, on our way to Scandinavia

Yeah, vacation! We are taking a trip to Scandinavia to visit our friends who live in Denmark. We left on Friday night from Boston on Icelandair. They have a hub in Keflavik, Iceland, which is a short 4.5 hour flight from Boston. We scheduled a long layover of about 10 hours in Iceland so that we could see some sights. Here's what transpired.

Look at all of this luggage. We have lots of things for our Danish friends. They order from websites, have them delivered to our house, then we transport them. Saves them a lot of money in VAT, aka European sales tax at 25%!

Icelandair welcome screen. I was expecting Bjork.

Driving down the road in Iceland near the airport. We have some time to kill before the Blue Lagoon opens up for the day. We landed around 6 am and the BL didn't open until 10. Iceland is a place with almost no trees. Lots of lava and moss. It looked like one big national park.

Here's a sulfur hot spring we stopped at. It reminded me a lot of Yellowstone national park.

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